Live Room is a social project founded in the end of 2015 which aims at promoting live culture and creating a movement of human development by using an alternative form of education: ART.
Connecting ideas is the project’s far vision. The main mission of the project is to link the development of a work based on “Start-up spirit” with a process led by a mixture of professionals and passionate amateurs who work hard to support live artistic performances in its various forms particularly the urban, contemporary, alternative and experimental creations without marginalizing the traditional and the regional heritage. During the first part of the Live Room Project (2015-2020), we developed 4 main innovative events for a unique slogan [Rise of Art]: the Live Room Artistic Meeting, Live Room Show, BlaBla+ series, and the Urban Art Week Festival. In the second part of the project which started in August 2020 under the slogan [Live is Life], Live Room opened its own experimental and exhibition space LABO which will offer the public -in addition to Live Room events, many workshops and artistic residencies: Workshops for kids and young people in theater, drawing and handcraft, Virtual reality, Audio/video, circus technics, dance, and street art…
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Omar Mok’s, the founder of the Live Room project, finished his engineering studies in France and returns to Morocco as a project manager in leading companies. Touched by the social situation in Tangier, he became very active and created several social actions with his friends along with the help of other associations. The latter made him understand that young people are very open to dialogue and change if we succeed to maintain a positive communication with them. He also joined multiple artistic movements to deliver Poetry, Spoken words, theater, music… He remarked that most of the collectivities suffer from organizational problems.
By the end of 2014, Omar created the start-up Mok’s Communication, organized or participated in the organization of several cultural events like: 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE (worldwide movement ), 3ID SLAM, DKHLA B KTAB TANGER (Elected best social event in Morocco Web Awards 2017), IOTMAROC Challenge (National competition of Internet On Things), SBAGHA f ZEN9A (Moroccan movement of art promotion), MANGA EXHIBITION Tangier, INS’ Tanja (Photography competition), etc.
During 2015, Mok’s agency becomes a real co-working and incubator space for young students and entrepreneurs. During this period, Omar felt the need to create a project based on the live culture because according to him and his colleagues, the project will be the best way to share knowledge. By the end of 2015, he launched the first Live Room in which 19 people were present. Today, Live Room Project is considered one of the most ambitious cultural and social projects in Morocco, and maybe in the region as well.
We have a simple set of values for a precise purpose: Connecting Ideas!
• Our project is well structured and organized.
• Our team is passionate and competent.
• Our collective is welded, our public is engaged.
• Our vision is big
• Our product has great success.
• Our world needs Live Room Project
Meet our executive team
CEO / Artistic Direction
Communication Coordination
Administration and Finance
President / Pedagogic