Annual meeting

The Live Room association held its first general meeting in 2019 on Saturday, December 14 in Tangier, in the presence of 7 of the board of directors’ members and 20 other active members of the project.
The agenda for this meeting covers:
– Presentation of the association’s achievements during the 2018-19 season
– Presentation of administrative needs for the structuring of the association
– Set of objectives for next season.
– General strategy adopted by the association.
– Call of commitment to the new Live Room’s Project: LABO

Also, we informed the participants that the period of validity for the current administrative council has ended and that the application is open for the coming season. Omar Mokadem, currently president, and Nabil Bedda, treasurer, state that they will change positions and become office advisers. A second meeting will be held in the coming days to validate the new board of directors’ offices.

4 years of Live Room Project

Finally, we took this opportunity to blow out the candles for the fourth anniversary of the Live Room Project by wishing to see more female members in the association.

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