
Live Room Project’s main focus is on artistic creations especially theatre because it’s the mirror of our ideology and the reflection on people’s daily life. Since the beginning of the project we have launched two Experimental Theatre sections. We have begun in November 2018 with a group of four actors then six during the second experience. Our vision is based on creating a show composed by basic Live Room actors to whom other performers can join depending on each show. This integrates directly the audience by giving each one of them a role in the show. The theme planned for this section is: Lost choices between love and freedom. The show will be performed exclusively at Live Room for at least six times before going on a tour. By the end of the year the show must be complete and highly performed so we can participate in theatre festivals in 2020. So, if you love theatre, ready to attend to the repetitions and ready to give us some of your precious time, please contact us. And if you would like to be part of our faithful and ambitious audience, get yourself ready to attend to the next Live Room in February

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