A man once said: “It is ridiculously funny when some people say that Grafitti is selfish tagging and vandalism. Thoughtful street art is like a good fiction – it speaks out on behalf of everyone, for us all to see”.

We add: “Urban art is the lightening star of the dark street. It’s just, when things get organized, they shine better”.

After two nationally successful editions of the Urban Art Festival, (Plz find videos on our Youtube channel, Didn’t subscribe yet? SUBSCRIBE NOW) it is time to announce that the third edition is planned for June 2019 and will go for international.

So, YO artists get ready for the open call in April 2019 and for partnerships March 2019 it is. This year participations will be open for those categories:

+Urban art (visual)

+Digital Art


+Pop/Contemporary Art



If you want to know more about it, send us a request or find events after-movies on our Youtube page or our social media pages

Stay tuned.

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