Launching of LABO’s music residencies

After the finishing of Labox studio installations and the testing of the recording process and live streaming, Live Room Project is happy to announce you the Launching of LABO’s music residences for 2021. This program is supported by Drosos foundation and aims to develop the creative skills of young musicians from the region. It will give the necessary support to over 20 musicians annually to work on their experimental and productive projects. It will also offer them the opportunity to perform in live showcase and on stage in front of Live Room’s public.

Labox launched five music residencies

After the launching of seven LABO’s program for youth under 25 years on last January, Live Room team was working on the selection of the artists who will benefit from the five music residences open to artists under 25 years old from the region. The selected artists are:

  • Dumb Spirits for beginner group residency
  • Ranya Chaibi for Pro group residency
  • Nezar for Rap solo residency
  • Wassim for Rap solo residency

Labox was also busy since its opening in march 2021 in receiving many young artists from Live Room’s public who want to benefit from the studio or who want to be advised on their future approach to start production work within the LABO. Some young participants already won free 30h pass to the studio.

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