December is always considered as a special month for the Live Room family because it is the month when the Live Room Project saw the light for the first time back in 2015. Seven years of accomplishments and still with big motivation to keep adding new chapters to this beautiful story. A story written with love by our founders, collaborators, members, users, funders and young and less young community who invested time, efforts, and money for this project to see him grow year after year and to keep creating positive social impact through its different projects and initiatives.
Time has come again to blow out the seventh candle and what better occasion to do it than Christmas Eve when the good spirits gather all together!

Theater show
Theater show








The long-awaited event with our members and close family of the project took place on the evening of December 24th at the LABO center and was attended by 153 persons mostly youngsters, kids and some parents who have came to follow the presentation of what has been done during the seven years of the project, and to commit to the new objectives set for the coming year but also to celebrate in an intimate atmosphere the breath of the seventh year of the baby who today becomes a child ready to change the world.

Team karaoke competition








And as it coincided with the Christmas Eve, decorations, costumes, gifts, shows, karaoke, and music, were themed. Everything was ready to create a cheerful and amiable atmosphere full of love, hope and fun. For the occasion, every Lab was involved in it: the drawing and Graffiti in the decoration; the Theater LAB in a show treating the theme of Christmas in modern world (Gender equality, Climate change, Totalitalism); the dance Lab with a contemporary choregraphy about self-confident, and finally the video Lab with emotional shorts about Live Room. And afteh hearing our President words and greetings, we made our wishes for the project and started the party.

President's word
President’s word








The most entertaining part of the program was the Live Room Got Talent where six of our team members showed to the public their skills in singing and amusement in a sort of team karaoke competition. Let’s not forget the presentation of the music produced by our artists in residency.

Dance show








Thank you to everyone who made and still making Live Room a successful project and Happy New Year to y’all !!

Now you can as well be part of our growing family, Join us now! Connect with us in: Our Instagram or via WhatsApp: +212 603-061730

Live is Life!