Live Room Project continues its accompaniment and support of young local and non-local artists and this time by organizing a series of artistic meetings/ master-classes during the month of May 2021 and in particular for musicians, technicians and visual artists.

This action comes in support of LABO programs for the development of creative skills among the young people and the residencies of musical artists of the Live Room Project. In total, 115 young and less young, beginner or professional artists were able to attend the three Artistic meetings, the main purpose of the workshops was to initiate them into the professional world and to emerge them in a suitable artistic process taking in consideration the development of artistic sector.

Introduction to music and sound techniques:

Masterclass lasting 4 hours organized on May 01 at the LABO center and led by the sound engineer and teacher at Studio M, Mohamed Atouf.

This training targeted control technicians (theater, stage or studio) and musicians who have or want to create their own home studios or who will sooner or later be brought back to work in a recording or mastering space. The workshop was attended by 30 participants who conveyed their satisfaction to us about the meeting and encouraged us to organize more similar events.

Art in relation to humans:

An interactive workshop with a practical part lasting 3 hours organized on May 8th at the LABO center and led by the young artist Nouh Fettah, a student of the INBA in Tetouan.

This training mainly targeted the participants of our Drawing and Handicrafts program and all other young visual artists who are amateurs or who are interested in making a career in this type of art. The workshop was attended by 48 participants who were very interactive with the content and who enriched the meeting with their brilliant questions and thoughts. They thanked us for this action and asked us to organize more workshops in the same direction.


Professionalization of the artist:

This 20-hour master class spread over three days from May 21 to 23, 2021 was organized at the LABO center in partnership with the French Institute of Tangier and led by Mounir Kabbaj, artistic consultant and expert in the music industry.

The masterclass was primarily aimed at our resident music artists who need to understand the world of the music industry, its different professions and the role of each career that could be developed in parallel. It was heavy, a little bit long, but very well attended by the 26 musicians who attended the whole training. It was also the perfect opportunity for us to meet new artists who came from the near region (Tangier, Tetouan, Larache) but also from other far cities (Meknes and Kalaat Magouna).

Special thanks for our team who made this happen.

LABO is supported by the Drosos foundation.