The unmissable crossroads of Street Art in Morocco made its return with the fifth edition of the Urban Art Week Festival of Tangier which saw the participation of a hundred artists from all disciplines of urban art and which took place during the week of July 05 to 11 in the LABO center for indoor activities and in the neighboring district for the murals.

Over 1300 visitors

The Urban Art Week festival has gathered around its program more than 1300 young people from all over the region and elsewhere to attend the graffiti collective exhibition, Live painting, to see cosplayers, follow dance battles and raps / beatbox challenges or to experience moments of joy at the music concerts. The Urban Art Week Fest knew once again how to create the good vibe and to make a bridge between the street art movement youth and old generation.

Also, the street art wall project has been a real success at the organizational, artistic and social level by bringing together 18 artists of different styles including 11 professional artists from Belgium, France and other Moroccan cities and 7 young artists representing the Laureates of the Graffiti program of the LABO le center all under the supervision of the artistic direction of Live Room to produce a series of murals under the theme of “High hopes”. Locals greatly appreciated the action that turned their old walls into a center of public interest and helped make the area cleaner.

Finally, we would like to thank with all our hearts all those who contributed directly or indirectly to the success of this edition, our dear visitors, the participating artists, the Live Room team and the festival partners whom we would like to mention by name: Drosos foundation, the Wilaya of Tangier, the French institute, American Language center, Amendis, Tendys, HitRadio, Radio 2M, Aswat Magharibia and 2M. It is thanks to you that this action has grown so much. Thank you again and see you next year

Photo reportage :


Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 6:

Day 7: