Today we have just finished the first week of total containment and more than two weeks of distrust and confusion. The Coronavirus dictates its law on the whole world and that law is very simple: Beware! Stay at home! Protect yourself!

The majority of us acted according to this law – which now seems fundamental to our survival – without being able to worry about the future of our social, cultural, and artistic life.

In our sector, culture and entertainment, we were among the first who read the future that awaits us because of this health crisis: the first official decree coming out in Morocco during the second week of March 2020 was prohibiting sporting events in the first place until further notice. Our activity was directly linked to the exploitation of sharing artistic talents which arose after the public gathered around our events. Also, the timing of the crisis was going to astound our plans because it comes at the start of our activities in the second half of the season which coincides the renewal of our administration committee and preparations of the 4th edition of the Urban Art Week festival. Things got aggravated very quickly. The first decision we had to make within the association is to stop working on the progress of activities for two weeks so that each member can get used to his/her new system during pandemic without stressing about work.  We had to see through the situation before deciding on an action plan.

Indeed, in our annual calendar of activities appeared in the box on Saturday, April 28 the 3rd episode of BlaBla + under the theme “Harassment, what solutions? “. Today, Friday 27th, D-1 of the event, we would have been at full speed to prepare everything for D-Day but we are forced to cancel – or rather postpone – the event. Several questions confuse our vision and prompt us at this time to wonder more and more about the strategy to adopt for this new world which is gradually taking shape on the horizon of this crisis, a very distant and digital world than ever, a world where we may no longer recognize the former interests of human beings.

Live Room Project wants to inform you that its pilot team will continue the work on the structuring of the association and the preparation during this lockdown as far as possible for the project to be launched in the LABO center. Regarding digital actions, we noticed that our technical tools as well as the Moroccan digital platforms cannot provide us with the necessary support to move to the organization and dissemination of live events on the web. At the moment, we will be in charge of raising awareness and disseminating the responsible artistic content that we receive under the current pandemic.  #fuckcorona

To be continued.

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