Launching of contemporary live art creation: Evasion

Live Room has been operating in the performing arts world for over five years, during which time it has created the best mixed shows for young audiences in the region such as Live Room shows or BlaBla + interactive events. From the start, we have put theater at the heart of our creations and carried out several experimental projects of contemporary productions.

After the opening of our LABO studios, Live Room manages contemporary and urban theater and dance programs and produces several shows per year. In 2021, we launched two projects : 14 KM  created by Generation Z and produced by Live Room and Evasion, a 100% creation of Live Room which won the open call of Institut Français for financement of live art creations.

Evasion is a live art show mixing theater, urban dance and digital projections. The piece will be performed by 5 artists/dancers. It will uses projection to complete certain characters and to convey the urban scene experienced by our heroes. The play will last 45-60 minutes and will be adapted to be exhibited in Café theaters and specialized ones. The play deals with the subject of freedom among young people and the oppression exerted first by their families and then by society against ideas and behaviors deemed “without any future” and “intrusive culture”. In this creation, we want to seek the causes of this oppression and censorship, the means with which it is exercised and the possible solutions to face it but also to raise awareness of the enormous shortfall that society loses to. through its acts of prohibiting young girls from participating in culture. Evasion is writed and directed by Omar Mok’s with the help of Mehdi Nabil for special effects and Salhi youssef for dance chreographies.

Evasion tells the story of Houda, a young girl from Tangier who loves Hip-Hop culture and especially urban dance. She exercises it whenever she can in the street with her friends but also as part of a collective with which they organize urban art events. She is so passionate about dance and this culture which is gradually becoming her daily life (language, clothes, haircut, etc.). Her conservative parents refuse this orientation and push her each time to stop it under different pretexts. Finally, they impose themselves and decide that she will never participate in the collective’s activities again and forbid her to perform in the show that was to take place in the most important festival organized by her friends. She decides with them to change her destiny. They made a plan to escape from the house, then find a job first and then a place to live where she can live in freedom. Eventually this separation played for her favor and succeeded in establishing better trust with her family. And after a year she was accepted to an European university to continue her studies.