Live Room Project is very happy to announce you the future opening of his new cultural center LABO in Tangier!

What is LABO?

LABO is, as its name suggests -an abbreviation of the word laboratory- a space for experimenting with the basic concept of Live Room, which is a physical or digital space for the studying, promotion and sharing of free artistic expression. Its main mission is human development through art and culture.

LABO is also an open stage, a platform, a commercial space, an entity supporting artists, a place of free expression, a co-working space, a cultural incubator and a center for raising awareness of artistic awakening. The major axes of its programming are: Art, Pedagogy and Cross-border activities. We made a video to give you an idea of what we’re preparing for you. Thanks to over 40 men and women who participated in the making of this video. Special thanks to the team director without whose effort, this video wouldn’t have been made.

Missions and Programs:

The missions of LABO center are: To test and implement new forms of promotion of creative capacities; To encourage artistic awakening; To promote and support artistic creation; To encourage the mobility of creations, artists and the public and stimulate exchanges with collectives and institutions in social and cultural sector.

To accomplish its missions, LABO will offer a varied planning with seven programs for young people and children (Theater, Dance, Street Art, Handcraft & drawing, A/V & Virtual reality, Music, Writing), four events for the general public(Artistic meetings, Live Room Show, BlaBla+, Urban Art Week Festival) and other activities in partnership with external collaborators (Shows, concerts, artistic workshops and educational, residencies, readings, debates, thematic evenings, dance, screenings, exhibitions, and other unusual events…). LABO will operate in school season mode (Sept-Jul).

Finally, the multidisciplinary cultural and artistic center LABO -of which we estimate more than 1000 participants per year- will include administrative offices, 2 workshops, a relaxation area (café / brunch), a music studio and a big auditorium (theater / café-theater / workshop).

Many thanks to our lovely users for believing in us. 💞

Many thanks to the Live Room team who worked hard to achieve this 💞

Many thanks to our dear partners for trusting us  💞

A new phase of the project has just begun 🤩 We can’t be more excited!!

To be continued… 🥳🥳🥳

This project is supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION.

Live is Life!

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